

Is Hiring is an initiative focused on getting people into jobs and training rapidly via short-term, intensive hiring campaigns. These campaigns are directed at sectors, locations or specific jobseeker cohorts experiencing worker shortages, high unemployment or general employer-jobseeker disconnect. Each Is Hiring campaign has a clear start and end date, and can include any or all of the following Is Hiring components:

  1. A Jobs Pledge component, where employers pledge the jobs they have on offer which need filling now, or in the immediate future. The pledged jobs, and details of the campaign are given a dedicated space on the Is Hiring website for easy navigation by jobseekers and stakeholders.
  2. A Promotions component, where the entire campaign is promoted heavily to stakeholders and the wider community.
  3. An Immediate Linking component, where jobseekers ready to work are connected quickly and directly to the employers with the jobs.
  4. A wider Jobseeker Engagement component, where those working with the jobseekers (Employment Service Providers, schools, community groups etc) promote the Jobs Drive and the pledged positions to the jobseekers. Jobseekers can apply for jobs via the website.
  5. A Hiring Day component, where jobseekers can meet face to face with employers, training providers, government agencies and other employment and training stakeholders during a 3-4 hour face to face event (like a mini Jobs Fair).
  6. A Measurement and Reporting component, where the outcomes of the Jobs Drive are captured and presented to stakeholders continuously (e.g. number of pledged jobs, number of applicants, number of jobs filled).
  7. Permanent Network Formation component, where the linkages formed during the campaign are documented to ensure they remain after the campaign, forming the foundation for an ongoing pipeline of workers to the sector/region.

Is Hiring campaigns are delivered under licence by the Local Jobs Program teams - currently for the Illawarra South Coast, Capital and Murray Riverina Employment Regions. To find out more about running an Is Hiring event for your sector or location in those regions, email: